Tom Van Lemmens

Expert Contact Center Technology

customer service technology - data analytics - process design - service design – customer experience design

My fascination? How to use technology to improve the quality of our lives. I enjoy finding creative solutions to complex problems.

I spent a big part of my career designing (omnichannel) interaction platforms for organizations of varying sizes and backgrounds. That is how I got to know the market and its players. And how my passion grew to create the best customer experiences.

In my role, I focus on being a bridge between technical teams and businesspeople. Although these teams do talk to each other, they usually don’t understand each other very well. People, processes and technology need to be looked at as a whole. Technology on its own does not deliver the best solutions.

Apart from that?  I enjoy spending time in good company with some nice food and drinks, and enjoy family. My motto : cease the day!

“The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters.”

Conrad Anker