Baked In – Alex Bogusky & John Winsor


What is the big idea?

Traditionally, products and services come about in sequential layers. We start with the typical development of the product or service, then we address the packaging, then we consider the distribution model, and finally come up with the marketing arsenal – the ” story” – on top. This way we pass the hot potato to the next service. According to the authors of BakedIn this is a totally outdated model that not only leads to very expensive communication campaigns, but also nips any kind of significant innovation in the bud.

In this book, the authors provide practical tips to help you develop (or redesign) your products and services in a way that transcends incremental innovation radically. The central idea is that the products or services sell themselves, if your story is baked in from the start. To design fundamental innovation “story” and functionality must come together, from the same vision. It is essential that marketers and product/service developers work together in cross-functional teams from the start.

Why you should read it?

Because this book will help you to place strong products or services in the market that will really excite customers, in a more systematic way.

The American authors write from their expertise and years of experience as creative communications consultants for companies like Fruit of the Loom , SAS , MINI , Diesel, Scania , Domino , Windows Phone , Turkish Airlines , etc. Their book has only 150 pages, it reads very smoothly and is peppered with examples. It is designed as a workbook, it incites you to action. At each BakedIn tip you will be guided to translate it to your own environment.

Written by Stéphanie ‘t Felt Customer Strategy Expert @ Onestone